Sometimes as we move towards our great intentions/ new years resolutions, we can be fighting change that is meant to occur by holding onto old patterns. Is there something we need to let go of that isn't serving us? Are we stubbornly holding onto the need to be "right" in order to stay engaged in toxic relationships with others or sellf? It's time to let that sh*t go! Bring a Journal, Open mind and Open heart as we flow and let go. There will be yoga, journaling, and joining in sounds bhakti and profane to help cleanse body mind and soul. Color pencils also encouraged if you want to cleanse in color! *A submited Vaccination Card prior to event and/or negative Covid test within 4 days of the event is required to gain access to this in person event. If not received by 12pm on 12/31 online access will be granted with no refund issued.